An introduction to FlorCon Developments from the owner Rodney Arnold

FlorCon Developments Ltd is a local house developer and I have over fifty years of construction experience.  We take pride in building traditionally constructed contemporary homes with the help of an experienced hands on team of craftsman to ensure both the high visible and hidden quality in order to create fantastic homes where you will love living.

We enjoy potential purchasers viewing our properties during construction to compare the hidden quality of what we build to other developers in the area.  Our trade guys, who also work for other developers, tell us the quality of what we build is far higher than the general standard achieved on other developments in the area.  We take pride in hearing this.

At FlorCon Developments Ltd quality is always demanded and every home we construct we strive to achieve a carefully designed home features and detail and built home combining traditional craftsmanship with elegant contemporary home features and detail.

The Rookery Development